jTutors: Intelligent tutors for JAVA APIs
Project: “Enhancing intelligent API tutors with information about how APIs are used in practice”
Adviser: Dr. Christopher Scaffidi, Oregon State University.
Goal Achieved:
- We developed a platform that semi-automates authoring of intelligent tutorials for Java APIs by leveraging free examples on the web.
- The application has been built using Java MVC architecture. The teacher can search for topics and the jTutors system returns freely available code samples available in the internet for the topic. This enables easy creation of web based tutorials and quizzes. The tutorials are hosted in a server and can be accessed by students
- Enhanced the system to scrape code examples from open-source code repositories such as ‘sourceforge.net’ and upload code as well. This enables students to see actual code used in real-world projects to learn API related methods.
- Provide API related info such as frequently asked questions, articles, javadocs and related links to the students by scraping content from web space.